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Chapter One – Just Before You Start Writing Your Research Paper

We’ve crafted the perfect, A-to-Z guide on how to write a research paper with AI. Based on years of experience, this guide will tell you exactly how to create the perfect paper and how to save you plenty of time to do the things you actually love. Hint: use RikiGPT… 

This guide is structured as a list of tips, of “dos and don’ts”. Writing a research paper requires not just knowledge, but a unique strategy, like the one we’ve developed through hundreds of papers we’ve helped write. Follow our guide step by step, but if you ever find yourself lost, we’re here to help. Ready? 

Well congrats! You are a top student about to embark on one of the coolest experiences in academia. No, it’s not the course selection, the lengthy homework, the tough tests, or the lecturing… It’s a research paper! Your own contribution to the world of academia, a literature masterpiece that encompasses the knowledge you acquired in your degree. 

But in a swift moment, the excitement can become a daunting experience. How do I even approach a whole research paper? Well not to worry, that’s what we’re here for. 

A research paper requires a serious and thorough research process, initially based on a topic that could be important to you or related to your field of study. Once you choose a topic, you’ve already made significant progress, and all that’s left is to formulate a research question, find articles, write a literature review, discuss all the significant studies and theories, interview mom, dad, grandma, and your neighbor, even though they’re not exactly relevant to the question you came up with of “How does sports increase motivation among children aged 5”, and then input all the data you’ve gathered into software you’ve never tried called SPSS. And there, the findings align with your hypothesis, and there’s left just a bit more discussion, a conclusion, nice pictures and graphs and tables and done, hit “Submit”! Easy peasy right? Now just make sure you’ve sent the correct file (we’ve heard really tragic stories…).

We’re joking of course. Even though this can seem like a lot, it’s truly just a formula, a process we will help you crack. But before anything… we recommend not to start the day before, as tempting as it might be. Like, please. It’s crucial to prepare in advance. The best preparation you can do is build an initial outline, a full framework for your paper. At this point, any normal website would direct you straight to buying a paper outline for “Only $299!” Not us though. RikiGPT will write you THREE outlines for free in less than a minute, without even the need to register. 

Then, open a Word document and create a beautiful cover page (include a picture of the educational institution, title, full name, and date).

On the next page create a title “abstract” – for now leave it empty; you will write it up at the end of the process.

The following page is your table of contents; also leave it blank for now, we will fill it up soon enough.

Now create titles according to the topic and research question you’ve chosen. Write down how many titles/pages you want. That will be your number of chapters. For this part, you have 2 options: do it yourself exactly as you want it to be, or if you are not sure, just use Riki! Fill out the essay creator form and Riki will create 3 different outlines for you to choose from. 

For example:

Topic: The impact of sports on motivation among elementary school students.

Research question: Do higher levels of sports activity increase motivation in studies among students in grades 3 to 4?

Introduction: 2 pages (write at the end)

Literature review: 7 pages

  • Sports habits among students
  • Motivation in studies – positive and negative impacts
  • Studies on sports and motivation
  • Chapter summary

Research methodology: 2 pages

Research method – empirical research

Research population – students in grades 3 and 4

Sample – 20 students from A.D. Gordon School

Variables: Dependent variable – level of motivation in studies. Independent variable – high sports habits

Demographic data from the sample: How many girls? How many boys? Ages, averages, and add standard ranges (always looks good).

Our research hypothesis: High sports habits will enhance the level of motivation in studies.

Presentation of the questionnaires distributed and examination of the assertions’ validity: Motivation questionnaire and sports habits questionnaire.

The next chapter will present the findings. It will be 3 to 4 pages, but for now it will be empty until we get the statistical data from the SPSS software (which you love, as you recall).

Now we write another four chapters that will remain empty for now:

Discussion and conclusions: 3-4 pages

Summary: 1-2 pages


Appendices: In this chapter, you’ll place the data output, questionnaires, and other appendices that you think are important for the paper.

There you have it – you’ve passed the first and crucial step – you have a full structured framework, yay! Now all that’s left is to start writing. Now is the real money time… this is how you write an essay from A to Z using Riki (actually, you’re not gonna do much work).


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